D100 List: Furnishings & Items (Sci-Fi) June 27, 2008 (June 23, 2008) TheDungeoneer I promised a Sci-Fi based list for room-building and here it is!
D100 List: Furnishings & Items (Fantasy) June 20, 2008 (June 23, 2008) TheDungeoneer This list is so going to foul up my Google Ads, but no matter. Now you can create a room with just a few rolls of your dice. This list has a definite fantasy bias. I’ll see about a Sci-Fi version next week. Be sure to couple these with the […]
D100 List: Gems, Minerals, and Ores June 13, 2008 (June 23, 2008) TheDungeoneer Going mining? Here’s a random list of things your players might dig out of the ground.