Not sure why I didn’t come up with this one sooner, but Game of Thrones is very inspiring in terms of game content. Not the least of which are names for swords. Great swords in that world all have names so their history can be passed down from owner to owner.
I’ll leave it up to you to add attributes (if any) to the weapon.
- Acrimony
- Agony
- Azure Lightning
- Balance
- Blessed One
- Bone
- Bonnie’s Bounty
- Brawn
- Burning Hate
- Cat’s Claw
- Cleaver
- Crimson Fury
- Darkness
- Death’s Hand
- Defiance
- Despair
- Devotion
- Disdain
- Divine Right
- Dominion
- Dragon’s Tooth
- Echo
- Eternal Damnation
- Evil Eye
- Fang
- Flame Tongue
- Forbearance
- Fortitude
- Frenzy
- Funereal Edge
- Fury
- Giant’s Bane
- Grim Reality
- Harbinger
- Harsh Lesson
- Heart of Oak
- Higher Power
- Honor
- Hope
- Ice Shard
- Icy Rage
- Insolence
- Iron Fist
- Jarod’s Fever
- Justice
- Killing Blow
- King’s Glory
- Lament
- Last Rights
- Marauder’s Mania
- Mercy
- Might & Right
- Misery
- Night’s Wind
- Oblivion
- Obsession
- Oracle
- Orc Cleaver
- Patience
- Pincer
- Pride
- Promise Keeper
- Proud Glory
- Punishment
- Queen’s Rage
- Quicksilver
- Rage
- Razor
- Reliant
- Resolve
- Revenge
- Ruination
- Scorned Woman
- Screaming Death
- Severity
- Shield Breaker
- Silent Scream
- Solemn Oath
- Splinter
- Stonebreaker
- Summer Steel
- Superior Force
- Swagger
- Talon
- Tidal Wave
- Tenacity
- Truth
- Torrent
- Unrepentant
- Usurper’s Bane
- Valor
- Vapor
- Vengeance
- Verdant Pain
- Victory
- War Bringer
- Widowmaker
- Winter’s Bane
- Yanna’s Blaze
- Zara’s Song