I know it’s pretty out-of-the-norm for a list, but I think it’s one of those things that really adds spice to a clan or powerful family. Wherever possible, I’m offering them in their original language (usually Latin) to add further spice.
- Ad metam (To the mark)
- Animum rege (Rule thy mind)
- Aquila non captat muscas (The eagle catcheth not flies)
- Aspice et imitare (Look and imitate)
- Attendez vouz (Wait patiently)
- Audeo (I dare)
- Aut vincam aut periam (Either win or perish)
- Auxilium ab alto (Aid from above)
- Avant (Forward)
- Avitœ gloriœ memor (Mindful of ancestral glory)
- Bello ac pace paratus (In war and peace prepared)
- Bene qui pacifice (He lives well who lives peacefully)
- Ceteris major qui melior (Who is better is greater than the rest)
- Cœlum non animum (You may change your climate, but not your disposition)
- Cognosce te ipsum et disce pati (Know thyself and learn to suffer)
- Confido (I trust)
- Consilio et armis (By wisdom and arms)
- Constantia et virtute (By constancy and virtue)
- Diligenter et fideliter Diligently and faithfully
- Ductus, non coatus (Led, not forced)
- Dulcis pro patria labor (Labour for one’s country is sweet)
- E labore dulcedo (Pleasure arises out of labor)
- Eternitatem cogita (Think on eternity)
- Faire mon devoir (To do my duty)
- Felis demulcta mitis (The stroked cat is meek)
- Fide et caritate laboro (I labour with faith and charity)
- Fluminis ritu ferimur (We rush on like a brook)
- Forte et fidele (By strength and faith)
- Fortiter et honestè (Boldly and honorably)
- Fortune le veut (Fortune so wills it)
- Gaudeo (I rejoice)
- Gnaviter (Skilfully)
- Hodie non cras (Today, not tomorrow)
- In omnia paratus (Ready for all things)
- Intemerata fides (Faith undefiled)
- Jus meum tuebor (I will defend my right)
- La liberté (Liberty)
- Labore et honore (By industry and honour)
- Laider ise ber righ (Stong for your King)
- Malo mori quam foe dari (Rather death than disgrace)
- Meliora spero sequorque (I hope and strive for better fortunes)
- Mors lupi agnis vita (The death of the wolf is life to the lambs)
- Mors œrumnarum requies (Death is rest from afflictions)
- Murus œneus esto (Be thou a wall of brass)
- Ne oublie (Never forget)
- Nec quœrere, nec spernere honorem (Neither to seek nor to despise honour)
- Nec temere nec timide (Neither rashly, nor timidly)
- Non nobis sed omnibus (Not for ourselves, but for all)
- Non vox sed votum (Not a voice, but a wish)
- Nunquam non paratus (Never unprepared)
- Omnia vincit amor (Love subdues all things)
- Omnia vincit veritas (Truth conquers all)
- Optima revelatio stella (A star the best revelation)
- Ora et labora (Pray and labour)
- Ostendo non ostento (I show, not boast)
- Par ternis suppar (A pair more than a match for three)
- Parta tueri (Defend your acquisitions)
- Pensez forte (Think firmly)
- Per industriam (Through industry)
- Post funera virtus (Virtue survives death)
- Prend moi tel que je suis (Take me as I am)
- Pro aris et focis (For our altars and our homes)
- Propria virtute audax (Daring in the cause of virtue)
- Quid tibi vis fieri facias (Do what you wish to be done to you)
- Quod potui perfeci (I have done what I could)
- Quœque favilla micat (Every ember shines)
- Recte faciendo neminem timeas (In acting justly fear no one)
- Rosa petit cœlum (The Rose seeks heaven)
- Secret et hardi (Secret and bold)
- Secus rivos aquarum (By rivers of water)
- Semper eadem (Always the same)
- Semper fidelis (Always faithful)
- Semper vigilans (Always watchful)
- Serva jugum (I keep the yoke)
- Sic nos sic sacra tuemur (Ourselves, and things sacred, we guard)
- Sola nobilitas virtus (Virtue is the only nobility)
- Spectemur agendo (Let us be viewed by our actions)
- Sperare timere est (To hope is to fear)
- Sperabo (I will hope)
- Spero infestis me tuo secundis (In prosperity I fear, in adversity I hope)
- Spes durat avorum (The hope of my ancestors endures)
- Spes mea in futuro est (My hope is in the future)
- Sub robore virtus (Virtue under strength)
- Suivez moi (Follow me)
- Summum nec metuam diem, nec optem (I neither fear the last day, nor look forward to it)
- Tene fortiter (Hold firmly)
- Toutz foitz chevalier (Always a knight)
- Tuemur (We guard)
- Unita fortior (The stronger being united)
- Vanus est honor (Honour is vain)
- Ventis secundis (By favourable winds)
- Vespere et mane (In the evening and the morning)
- Vici (I have conquered)
- Vigilans et audax (Vigilant and bold)
- Vincam malum bono (I will overcome evil by good)
- Virtute orta occidunt rarius (Things sprung form virtue rarely perish)
- Vis viri fragilis (Weak is the strength of man)
- Vita vel morte triumpha (Triumph in life or death)
- Vivere sat vincere (To live is to conquer)
- Vota vita mea (Prayers are my life)
Quoeque Favilla Micat.
Fifty years ago at school I made an ashtray with this Motto on it – I also had a hand holding a crescent upright – never knew what it meant – don’t know where I saw it – Family Crest ?
Number 19 has been messed up. 19.Diligenter et fideliter Diligently and faithfully
Sorry, for bothering. A friend